World’s first complex aortic dissection treated endovascularly world record: Polisano Hospital Sibiu
At Polisano Hospital Sibiu I found the only doctor who wanted to treat my husband and gave us a lot of confidence that he would put it on his feet," said Veronica Vasiliu, the wife of the patient.
Mr. Vasiliu, a 59-year-old patient from Bucharest with a complex B-type aortic dissection was successfully treated by combining two innovative techniques that have never been used together so far to treat a patient with this serious pathology; the team of Heart Team specialists of the European Hospital Polisano Sibiu (Dr. Victor Costache, Dr. Nicolae Florescu, Dr. Mihai Chiloflischi, Dr. Emma Ciobanu) together with Dr. Sherif A H Sultan and Dr. Niamh Hynes (both Ireland) used for the first time in the world, two different endovascular technologies at the same time: multilayer flow modulator and graft stent, thus setting the new world record for the World's first complex aortic dissection treated endovascularly, according to the Academy Of World Records.
SIBIU, Romania -- Mr. Vasiliu, a 59-year-old patient from Bucharest with a complex B-type aortic dissection was successfully treated by combining two innovative techniques that have never been used together so far to treat a patient with this serious pathology; the team of Heart Team specialists of the European Hospital Polisano Sibiu(Dr. Victor Costache,Dr. Nicolae Florescu, Dr.Mihai Chiloflischi,Dr. Emma Ciobanu) together with Dr. Sherif A H Sultanand Dr. Niamh Hynes (both Ireland) used for the first time in the world, two different endovascular technologies at the same time: multilayer flow modulator and graft stent, thus setting the new world record for theWorld's first complex aortic dissection treated endovascularly, according to the Academy Of World Records.
The medical team consisted of ProfessorVictor Costache - Medical Director of the European Polisano Hospital and head of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department, Dr. Nicolae Florescu - Head of the Interventional Cardiology Department, Dr.Mihai Chiloflischi - Head of the Anesthesia Resuscitation Department, Dr. Emma Ciobanu - Cardiovascular surgeon.
They were joined by Prof. Univ. Dr.Sherif A H Sultan - Vice President of the World Society of Vascular Surgery and President of the Western Vascular Institute and Dr. Niamh Hynes, primary surgeon in Ireland.
The patient was diagnosed with B-type aorta dissection. This extremely serious illness, which is manifested by a painful sore throat syndrome, evolves very quickly, with the patient's chances of being extremely low.
For 6 months the patient was consulted by several physicians, both in Romania and abroad, but the surgical treatment was excluded due to the high risk of paralysis and even death.
"Everywhere we have been told that such interventions are done only abroad, but even there the prognosis of success is very reserved. At Polisano I found the only doctor who wanted to treat my husband and gave us a lot of confidence that he would put it on his feet, "said Veronica Vasiliu, the wife of the patient.
More than 200 patients with B-type aortic dissection are diagnosed annually in Romania. So far, no effective treatments have been found to provide life expectancy for more than a year.
Through this intervention in the world premiere at the European Hospital Polisano, the survival rate increases significantly, without the risk of paralysis or stroke.
Mr. Vasiliu, a 59-year-old patient from Bucharest with a complex B-type aortic dissection was successfully treated by combining two innovative techniques that have never been used together so far to treat a patient with this serious pathology; the team of Heart Team specialists of the European Hospital Polisano Sibiu (Dr. Victor Costache, Dr. Nicolae Florescu, Dr. Mihai Chiloflischi, Dr. Emma Ciobanu) together with Dr. Sherif A H Sultan and Dr. Niamh Hynes (both Ireland) used for the first time in the world, two different endovascular technologies at the same time: multilayer flow modulator and graft stent, thus setting the new world record for the World's first complex aortic dissection treated endovascularly, according to the Academy Of World Records.
"Our strategic development plan has allowed us to successfully treat several cases of aortic dissection through endovascular treatment. The particularity of this case was the presence of an active rupture of the aortic wall that allowed us to implement for the first time in the world two different endovascular technologies at the same time: the multilayer flux modulator and the graft stent," said Dr. Victor Costache, medical director of the European Polisano Hospital and head of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department.
The European Polisano Hospitalin Sibiuis part of an integrated structure of centers of excellence in medicine in Europe and represents a novelty on the medical services market in Romania, both by exceptional endowment and by collaborations established for the first time with prestigious universities of medicine in Austria, France and Canada, but also through the agreements concluded with "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and the Sibiu County Clinical Hospital.
Update/News Report:
Three surgeons from Austria and one from the USA participated in the surgery by which the Romanian doctor tries to save the heart of a 52-year-old man. Foreign doctors have come to teach in Romania how to mount an aortic valve using a minimally invasive technique, ProTV reports.
Foreign physicians will receive theoretical lessons from Romanian colleagues, but they will also pursue them in other aortic and endovascular prosthetic procedures by less invasive techniques.