Conf. Univ. Dr. Duică Corina

Doctor în științe medicale

Medic primar psihiatrie

Specialitatate: Psihiatrie

Adresa: Strada Constitutiei 24, Sibiu, 550253

Telefon: 021.93 83


Programare online
Work experience
Period Oct 1, 2014-
Occupation or position held Lecturer
Name and address of employer „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Period May 1-2014
Occupation or position held Chief of Psychiatric Clinic
Name and address of employer „Gh. Preda” Psychatric Hospital -Sibiu
Period May 1, 2014-
Occupation or position held Teaching Assistant
Name and address of employer „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Period Nov 2012-Jun 2013
Occupation or position held Medical Interim Director
Name and address of employer „Gh. Preda” Psychatric Hospital -Sibiu
Period 2010-present
Occupation or position held Consultant Psychiatrist
Name and address of employer „Gh. Preda” Psychatric Hospital -Sibiu
Period 2007-2010
Occupation or position held Specialist Psychiatrist
Name and address of employer „Gh. Preda” Psychatric Hospital -Sibiu
Period 2001-2006
Occupation or position held Resident
Name and address of employer Emergency Hospital Craiova
Emergency Hospital Sibiu
Period 2003-2005
Occupation or position held Graduate Assistant
Name and address of employer „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Period 1999-2000
Occupation or position held Intern
Name and address of employer Emergency Hospital, Craiova
Education and training

Title of qualification

Name and type of organization


Title of qualification

Name and type of organization



Specialist psychologist

Psychology College of Romania

24 aprilie 2015

Applied ICH/GCP Training for Clinical Research Trials

Health Media International


Title of qualification awarded Psychoterapist under supervizion
Name and type of organisation providing education SAEL Romania
Period 2013
Title of qualification awarded Postdoctoral Program  “Forensic psychiatry”
Name and type of organisation providing education Institute of Legal Medicine of Iasi
Period 2011
Title of qualification awarded Postdoctoral Program „Advanced management of researching”
Name and type of organisation providing education Institute of Legal Medicine of Iasi
Period 2010
Title of qualification awarded Ph.D Clinical-statistical study of the suicidal behavior in the period 2000-2004
Name and type of organisation providing education „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine Iasi
Period 2009
Title of qualification awarded „Logotherapy and Existential Analysis” Counsellor
Name and type of organisation providing education Society of „Logotherapy and Existential Analysis”
Period 2007
Title of qualification awarded Licence Degree
Name and type of organisation providing education „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Psychology
Period 2001-2008
Title of qualification awarded Training in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Name and type of organisation providing education Society of „Logotherapy and Existential Analysis”
Period 2005
Title of qualification awarded Educational Interactive Course
Name and type of organisation providing education European College of Neuropsychopharmacology,
Romanian Association of Psychiatry
Period 2003
Title of qualification awarded Teacher Training Modul
Name and type of organisation providing education „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Period 1999
Title of qualification awarded Licence Degree
Name and type of organisation providing education University of Medicine Craiova, Faculty of Medicine
Period 1994
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor’s Degree
Name and type of organisation providing education Sanitary Secondary School Craiova
Personal skills and competences Scientific activity
  • Participation at 110 national conferences and 20 international conferences
  • 120 works communicated in national  and international conferences
  •  30  works published in BDI journals  16 ISI Article 3 ISI Proceedings,
  • 17 works published in other types of journals
  • Co-author’s book “Human behavior”, Sibiu, 2003
  • Co-author’s book “Psychiatry Comprehensive textbook”, Iasi, 2009
  • Member of the research project PNII IDEI PCCE 2008-2013
  • Author’s book „Suicidal phaenomenon. Psychopathological aspects”, Craiova 2013
  • Author’s book „Psychiatric assistance-where?, Sibiu, 2014
  • Co-author book „Tendencies and progresses in Sibiu medicine”
  • Co-author book „Persoana umană un model de diversitate antropologică,
  • autor Aurel Nireștean, Emese Lukacs (Cap. 6-Intenția morții în comportamentul suicidar - Repere psihopatologice din perspectiva clinică și a analizei existențiale, pg. 71-119), Tg. Mureș University Press, 2018
  • Co-author book „Aktualni problemi na sotsialnata rabota, ed. Vaska Stanchev a Popkonstandinova  - cap. Suicide prevention in Romania and Bulgaria,
  • pg.154-169, coautor (Mihail Cristian Pîrlog, Lavinia Duică, Vladimir Nakov, Monica Laura Cara)